úterý 14. prosince 2010

The Storm

The sea bursts with waves
I am waiting
The Storm is coming

The black clouds
evoke my fears
As I am standing on a cliff
The Storm is coming
its almost here

Tearing all the pride from me
I feel so weak
She is so strong
Taking everything

The Storm is coming

Am I going to stay the same
when she takes me

I want to fall in her arms
In her arms she cries with me
the Storm is coming...

sobota 11. prosince 2010

Perfect picture

When did it happen?
The very moment I got scared of who I am...

Of the spacious scenery with rocky hills,
of the night imbued with delusive scents,
the endless abbys of space above my head...

Of the only hands I ever wanted to touch
of the only world I wanted to be inhaled in.
Your world...

Waves of pain and denial,
hope trying to comfort me with lies.

I decided to paint...
I took a brush,
I started with my eyes,
gave them the blue color of the morning sky.

I dipped it in red and made my lips breezy.

I poured a little gold in my memory
veiled it by crimson tinge...
I chose new emotions for me.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Everything looked so perfect
even the little details would never seem to show.
There was something, someone else before.

Just then the windy rain came
and blurred the red and blue..
smashed away the crimson shade.

Crushing the picture so hard,
I could not grasp a thing
leaving me here splintered,
with no more ways to pretend...

neděle 10. října 2010

Kde jsi

Kde jsi miláčku?
Ty zpropadená konstrukce mé morbidní touhy.
To ve snu jsi se dotýkal mé hlavy
a tvoje vůně mě přiváděla k šílenství.

Tady však nemáš odvahu ani se ukázat.
A já se zmítám v pochybnostech,
snažíc se ubít se náhražkami.

Ale něco je silnější.
A po těch nekonečných blábolech,
se znovu postavím a vím,
že nesnesu nic jiného…

neděle 19. září 2010


2 o´clock in the morning.
I get up from bed.
With shadows moving on the wall,

I feel I am changing.

I take off my skins
the ones that make the daily me.
I leave them on the chair...

With a different face
I slowly close the door
and sneak out to the streets…

The night is everything I´ve got
with all its flavors.
A friend of buried things.
This is the time when I talk,
This is the place where I can meet myself,
where you can meet me…

The girl who brings mountains

You can be everything you want.
I heard a voice talking.
But first you have to become NOTHING...

What did I want to be?
I was asking myself,
as the rough shapeless „I“ was lying in my hands.

I felt the wind,
its wafting with every breath I took.
It opened a space.

I climbed on a hill
and called the wind
to be a part of me.

Now when I walk
I like to imagine
that someone will see
I am the girl who brings mountains…


I don´t know how you did it
And I couldn´t say it for a long time…

You came with something,
I call it an ink.

Its black bluish color feels like velvet.
Just one drop and
it ran through my skin
pouring inside the veins
penetrating every me…

Want to remember
the last moment before it absorbed me.
Cause then I was changed
like you turned me inside out…

pátek 20. srpna 2010


Rozhodl ses zavřít všechny dveře i okna,
Zrezivělé hřeby a skřípění dřeva…
Křik k tobě nikdy nedolehne
a bušení se vysmíváš.

V předstírané harmonii,
opájíš se odpoledními mraky.
Dotek minulosti
tě k smrti děsí…

tvoje pevnost s jedním východem,
kostka v kostce.
Myslíš, že jsi obelstil realitu,
škoda jen, že se tolik mýlíš…

čtvrtek 19. srpna 2010

Otevřít se

V nádražní hale milióny hlasů.
Překřikují se, aby zakryli.

Přikrčení v rohu, zhrzení, s opálenými pahýly,
číhají na svou šanci.

Samota je šílená.
Zastavím se a dál už neutíkám,
není totiž kam…
Obrovská křídla v prostoru bez očí
najednou se tu jen tak vzala,
vyrůstají mi z lopatek,
tmavomodrá a dotýkají se střechy.

Otevřít se v náruči šelmy,
dychtivé oči hltají, chtěly by skočit.

Když se neotočím,
ticho mě zachrání…

středa 18. srpna 2010

Příběh/ A story

Zítra pozoruji sebe dnes.
Stojím tu bezstarostně, s rukama v kapsách.
S rozevlátými vlasy.

Ještě netuším…
Prostor plný možností, s nádechem objevuji nepoznané.

Ty vrásky na rukou čekají mě až za chvíli,
temnota v očích si pro mě ještě nepřišla.

Opájím se svobodou.
Nebe nade mnou je blankytné,
procházím po kolejích…

Někdy bych chtěla znát svůj příběh,
Ale ona říká ne…

Až se jednou ohlédnu,
Ztratím se v čase…


V padajícím listí,
v závoji podzimní mlhy
Čekám na rozcestí…
Vůně staré kamenné zdi a vůně tvých vlasů…
Je tu ticho, jen paprsky odpoledního slunce našly si k nám cestu.
Chci cítit tvé polibky na mé kůži,
Ještě chvíli nevidět tvou tvář…
Čas se tu propadá a vítr si hraje s myšlenkami…

úterý 17. srpna 2010

V šedé

Kam utíkáš?

Po betonové zástavbě kamsi.
Hledání je snad nesmyslné
a štěstí má nahořklou chuť panelových klecí.
....I HATE IT .....
Dívá se na mě pokřivená tvář
S očima, které křičí.

Kolem se batolí nemluvňata a matky s nákupními taškami.
Bankovní úřednice otevírá mříž, vsouvá klíč do železných dveří.
Je štiplavé ráno. Proudy šedých postav se ženou do podzemí...

pondělí 16. srpna 2010

City Sirene

The dark sky above her head
and thousands lights of a city under

In a moment of quiet waiting
With eyes full of freedom
she is crouching on a roof...

And when the train comes
she jumps....

Wired dreams in the air
smell of a burning steel as they rush into the tunnel,
Sounds of the drumming wheels...

Coveting for faster speed,
her hands are filled with electric sparks.

She has never enough
and when the city sleeps
she climbs on the highest skyscraper
with her knees over the edge
she knows she could fly...

sobota 20. března 2010


Can you not cry
when she starts to dance...
Her hands creating
    beauty of secret love.

Spreading the webs
with a heart of swan,
everyone is attracted,
she is alone.

Wild black hair,
smooth white skin.
She comes naked,
with a silent look,
she spins you in.

Dance with me stranger..
You never undrestand.
What I am doing...
    when you hold this hand..

Razoblades behind my shade...
             if only you don´t give up
                  you could be saved.

The Chapel

There is a picture of you
sitting next to chapel.

Fanned by the wind and long summer grass.

Someone else had this glimpse.
I wanted to own
THIS little moment of your soul....

And I got it...
In the long rainy afternoons,
sinked into a sofa
just being silent...

Foreheads like trees,
and minds like roots.

Now the pages of our book are dusty,
lying in the depths,
bleared by the veils of time.

Locked in a room with cold stone walls,
I am wishing to scream.
But there is no sound when I open my mouth...

The Scent of Rain

Left alone in the street,
I felt it coming.
ready to wait...

The rain touched my skin.

Wanted to burry my hands
deep in the ground,
let the water to come in
through my fingers.

I longed to get lost
in the forest,
meet you on forgotten crossroads...

I wouldnt speak.

I would lie down in the grass,
with the scent of rain,
let myself to be changed
in the figure you like...

Moon symphony

An outline of a dark sillouette
slowly dissapearing from the sight
I knew...

Once it used to be YOU...

Frantically running time and
I could not move
tightened by the heaviness of pain
What an irony...

Quiet night came at last
The moon playing her symphony,
with reflection in deep blue water
made me feel clean ...

And with the breath of a midnight air
the roots of the trees
wanted to embrace me...

Before sleep

Tired, with head on my pillow
I had a feeling someone whispered...
There was a blow of the wind
and I fell unconscious.

Falling through the blackness
time had no existence
I opened my eyes
gazing at purple sky

The silver sun was too close

Naked, my hands began to open
smooth and untouched
A new breath
new born now..

Eternity was in me.

I stood upon the mountain
with the braveness in my heart
Unknown worlds could not scare me..

I felt you somewhere near
Decided this time,
I won´t loose you....

The silver sun was so close...