When did it happen?
The very moment I got scared of who I am...
Of the spacious scenery with rocky hills,
of the night imbued with delusive scents,
the endless abbys of space above my head...
Of the only hands I ever wanted to touch
of the only world I wanted to be inhaled in.
Your world...
Waves of pain and denial,
hope trying to comfort me with lies.
I decided to paint...
I took a brush,
I started with my eyes,
gave them the blue color of the morning sky.
I dipped it in red and made my lips breezy.
I poured a little gold in my memory
veiled it by crimson tinge...
I chose new emotions for me.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
Everything looked so perfect
even the little details would never seem to show.
There was something, someone else before.
Just then the windy rain came
and blurred the red and blue..
smashed away the crimson shade.
Crushing the picture so hard,
I could not grasp a thing
leaving me here splintered,
with no more ways to pretend...
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